Tag Archives: yellow

Groc, el color dels bojos

Your band, your song… your moment. Ha costat. I supòs que si m’ho demanes d’aquí un mes t’ensenyaré un vídeo totalment diferent. Ara com ara… és Yellow. Pell de gallina, suor, bots, crits… qui sap si una llàgrima. FELICITAT. En estat pur. Perquè em recorda a tu, i perquè voldria transportar-me aquí enmig, ara, tot d’una:

I ja fa uns dies que pens que pens massa. Look how they shine for you ♥!


Look at the stars,
look how they shine for you
and everything you do…
Yeah they were all yellow!

I came along,
I wrote a song for you
and all the things you do…
And it was called ‘Yellow’!!

Your skin, oh yeah, your skin and bones…